That's it. Just something to do with the holidays. Whether it's a tradition you celebrate, a shopping trip gone wrong, or something else together.
You have up to 250 words to get your character traveling - develop a flashback, write a poem, try something new, whatever you want. Post those words below and then comment on at least one other person's writing. (You don't need to necessarily critique it, this isn't polished writing people!)
Ready. Set. Go!
(And here's mine ...)
Rayne stomped her feet on the mat outside their Manhattan high rise. She'd hardly had a chance to step in dirty snow between the cab and the swinging glass doors, but the doorman would pitch a fit if she didn't at least make a show of cleaning off her boots.
He held the door open and she tossed him a grin. One that would never reach her dimple, much less her eyes.
The lobby looked like a Christmas tree lot gone wrong. White and green trees made a half-assed attempt at a pattern throughout the room. Twinkling lights blinked at her from every direction and were bound to give a senior citizen a stroke. Each tree had some sort of unique decorative theme, probably an attempt at an employee contest.
Rayne hitched her backpack further up her shoulder and clip-clopped her way across the marble lobby.
She nudged the button for the elevator and listened to instrumental carols as they filtered into the small, mirrored box.
It was almost a relief to step into the barren penthouse suite, devoid of any holiday ornamentation. Devoid of her mother, who was off in Europe on a ski vacation. Or something.
It was almost a relief.
awwww... that's so sad. great voice, Nikki.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jessie - its one of the characters in the new novel (although this is backstory and not in the novel!)