Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Writer Wednesday--Romance

Romance is in the air.

Since Valentine's Day is...well...tomorrow. I thought it would be fun to talk a little about writing romance. 

So today, I have five tips to get your swoon-worthy, toe-curling on.

1) One of the most important things to writing a romantic scenes is mood. Make sure you're in to it; that your mood is right. As a writer, which I'm sure you've discovered during your writing adventures, mood dictates the ambiance of the scene. If you aren't feeling a little bit romantic, then you aren't going to write romance.

2) Evoke all the senses. It's easy to talk about sight and touch, but don't forget the other three. What they are hearing--the sound of his or her heart? What are they tasting---when they go in for the kiss? What are they smelling--does your character have a musky scent, vanilla, cinnamon, maybe outdoorsy. By the way, scent goes a long way with evoking emotions. Some of the strongest memories you have comes with a scent, like maybe your grandma's kitchen and the scent of baked bread.

Also, involving all five senses will help paint a picture that your reader can visualize. Suck them into your world. Let them love too.  

3) Let your characters set how the scene proceeds. Your characters should be alive in you, a major part of you. Let them decide how far they want to go and when they want to.

4) Don't write things that feel uncomfortable to you. Have you ever seen the 40 Year Old Virgin? There was a part where he was trying to describe having sex and the feel of a woman's breasts. He was uncomfortable and his description was awkward. 

(Please note the below clip has words that some ears might not like to hear.)

If you aren't comfortable describing a sexual experience then your characters aren't going to be comfortable trying to perform it.

5) Exaggerate the experience. Remember when you were younger and that guy or girl walked into the room, and time shifted into slow motion. Remember that feeling you had when they were near, the feel of your heart, your stomach? How their lips moved when they spoke? The spark when they brushed up against you?  The scent of their cologne or perfume?

You were ultra-aware of that person you were crushing on. When they entered the room, all of your attention zeroed in on that special someone.

Those are the same things your  reader wants to feel. Describe these things in detail, exaggerate them, using all five senses (without becoming repetitive and boring).

Bring your reader into your world.

Let them love again like it's their first time.

Happy Valentine's Day!! Get your romance on. 


  1. Great tips, especially the part about using multiple senses. Some of the best romantic scenes I can think of also tend to wax a little poetic. I'm thinking especially of the kiss scene in Lauren Oliver's Before I Fall. It still sticks with me years after reading the book!

  2. Whats most important to me is that I want to work for it. I can't stand it when the author just gives me a love story, when they fall in love before I'm ready for it. I need to want it, long for it and dream about it.


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